DiversiPHy's Vowel Map-o-lator


DiversiPHy's Vowel Map-o-lator is an interactive vowel plotting application created with R Shiny.

Learn more about the Vowel Map-o-lator by accessing the Read Me.

To use:

  • Upload a spreadsheet with either of the following columns counts: 6 (monophthong), 9(diphthong), 12 (triphthong)
  • The first six columns must occur in the order: "speaker", "vowel", "context", "f1", "f2", "f3"
  • Subsequent columns must be formant information for dipthong glides or tripthong (e.g. gl_f1, gl_f2, gl_f3)

      To save your image:

      • Right click on the plot
      • Select "Save Image As"